This program is for you if you:

  • Feel frustrated with nutrition and not knowing what's "right" and what's not

  • Are confused at what to eat and want to learn to make balanced meals/snacks without counting, tracking, or dieting

  • Want to do everything you can to support your career as a collegiate gymnast through optimized nutrition & recovery

  • Need help improving your body image

  • Aren't sure if you're fueling your body enough or know when you are hungry/full

  • Want to learn to manage your own nutrition, especially if living off campus or trying to navigate the dining halls

The Balanced Gymnast Method™: NCAA Edition

Small Group Nutrition Coaching for Collegiate Gymnasts

Learn to fuel for optimal performance and longevity in sport (without the guilt/anxiety around food).
The Balanced Gymnast Method™

What's Included

Week 1: Sorting through the “nutrition noise” of #dietculture in gymnastics 

Week 2: Body Diversity and Weight/Body Composition

Week 3: Unintentional Underfueling (and how it’s hurts your career and life after sport)- Special Guest Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS expert gymnastics physical therapist and strength & conditioning specialist.

Week 4: Breaking Food Rules + Food Freedom-Special Guest Dr. Amanda Kaplan, PsyD, psychologist specialized in working with high level gymnasts who have food/body image struggles, anxiety, etc.

Week 5: Nutrition 101- How to make balanced meals/snacks

Week 6: Performance Nutrition for the Gymnast

Week 7: Advanced Nutrition Strategies for Injury + Inflammation 

Week 8: Out of the Norm: Travel Nutrition + Social Life

Week 9: Being a Balanced Gymnast™

Your Instructor

Christina Anderson


I was just like you, except my food and body struggles ended my career before I could even dream about college gymnastics. You are incredible to have made it this far. But we all know that the journey has not been without great sacrifice, and for many gymnasts a lot of food and body struggle. I didn't learn until after college how to fuel and nourish my body without guilt, shame, or the next diet. What I'd give to go back to my 16-18 year old gymnast self and fuel her like I now know how to... I help high level gymnasts learn to fuel for optimal performance AND have a healthy relationship with food. Let's face day, gymnastics will be over and you'll have to learn to fuel yourself in the "real world". I'm honored your here and want to support your gymnastics career and life beyond sport.


  • How long is the group coaching program?

    This is a 9 week long program. We will meet once a week for about 1 hour live coaching calls (could be a little more with questions, will cap at 1.5 hours). You will have access to replays of all the live calls, a private FB community to ask questions, The College Gymnast's Guide to Nutrition Workbook, Meal/Snack recipe ideas, video modules, and more.

  • When does the program start?

    We will start on Thursday August 5th! A time will be set once everyone is enrolled and we send out a survey to find the best time for everyone.

  • Is this course for someone with an eating disorder?

    No. Eating disorder recover should be supported through 1:1 coaching with a registered dietitian nutritionist trained in disordered eating/eating disorders and sport. We can chat about 1:1 coaching if this is your current situation, or help refer you to someone in the community.

  • How do I know this works?

    Christina works with high level gymnasts from across the country, many of which are D1 or Senior Elite gymnasts (who have struggled with food and body at some point in their career). This framework is what she uses with her 1:1 coaching clients, but you must put in the work to get results from the program.

  • Is there a payment plan?

    Yes! First off, you may be able to use a Health Savings Account through your insurance if you have one (likely your parent's insurance as your student athlete insurance will be unlikely to provide a HSA). You (or your parent) can pay monthly for 2 months, 3 months (less per month) or pay in full.

  • What if I'm the parent or coach of a college gymnast?

    We have something for you too! Contact Christina directly to chat about your situation and we will provide the best support possible for you and your gymnast. [email protected]

  • What if we've already worked with you 1:1 or are enrolled in your online course for parents?

    Contact me privately to discuss a there is a discount for current or previous clients.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    No, we don't offer refunds. But, you will be refunded in full or offered a 1:1 coaching spot if the group does not fill by August 5th (minimum 6 gymnasts, at the discretion of Christina Anderson RDN, LLC).

Why this Program is Different

A lot of universities don't have solid nutrition support for gymnasts. That's just the truth. There's a lot that goes into this, but often it's just a lack of staffing issues (2-3 sports RDs for ALL of athletics isn't enough to provide 1:1 support) or lack of knowledge/training in gymnastics nutrition. This is especially an issue around disordered eating and food/body struggles that are so common in the sport. You deserve better. 

What gymnasts are saying...

"I've never felt this good in the gym"

"Working with Christina helped me to learn how to fuel my workouts and recovery, something I never learned during club gymnastics. I immediately felt the benefits of more food and nothing "bad" happened. In fact, my performance improved and I had one of the best seasons yet!"

"I stopped seeing food as the enemy"

"This program helped me to accept my body and learn to fuel it to be the BEST version of ME. When I stopped dieting and restricting, everything calmed down and I feel so much better around food."

"Fastest injury comeback EVER"

"My coaches were shocked at how quickly I was able to come back from surgery (with pins and a metal plate). I know it's because of how I was fueling my body compared to previous injuries where I was so worried about gaining weight and comments being made when I came back. "

"I know how to fuel my body"

"I feel super confident in grocery shopping, meal planning, going out to eat, and navigating a super busy school and gym schedule thanks to the program."

Pricing options

You will be verified as a CURRENT D1-D3 gymnast. If you are not a collegiate gymnast and you enroll, you may only receive a PARTIAL refund (so please, don't enroll unless you are ACTUALLY a collegiate gymnast. Thanks!)

Coming soon!

Add your email to the waitlist get first details/bonuses when doors open at the end of July! If you are ready to secure your spot for July, scroll to bottom of page to enroll NOW.

Thank You

Course Agreement

Please read through the following before enrolling